Bayside shoulder surgeon
Bayside shoulder surgeon

Michelle is happy to be contacted directly via text or email with urgent patient queries or appointments.

  • Please direct initial enquiry to consulting rooms if you do not have her mobile number.
  • For non urgent referrals please send referral to the above or Healthlink EDI caudwell.
Bayside elbow surgeon
Bayside elbow surgeon

Michelle believes in the importance of team work and communication between her, specialists, general practitioners, and allied health practitioners, and makes every attempt at timely responses to all requests and results of consultations.

For all appointments and enquiries, please   phone   07 3063 1280

Monday to Friday 8am to 7pm


07 3103 4545


Peninsula Private Hospital
Cnr George & Florence Sts
Kippa-Ring QLD 4021


Caboolture Private Hospital
McKean St
Caboolture QLD 4510


Sandgate Physical Health Clinic
119 Brighton Rd
Sandgate QLD 4107

  Out of hours appointments only

© 2024- Dr Michelle Caudwell

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